Guatemala '11 / '12

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My Home in Guatemala City

My home in Guatemala City
As mentioned earlier in "HELPS Trip  #4: Huehuetenango," I recently befriended a pretty young girl named Cecilia Weller, who has offered her house up to me any time I need a place to stay, in true "mi casa es su casa" latino fashion. This friendly invitation couldn't have come at a better time. With Bernie leaving for almost two months to visit the States, as well as one last medical mission to complete in June, Guatemala City is the perfect hub from which to travel. Not only that, but Cecilia's house is a 10 minute drive from the Guatemala City airport. On July 2, my departure date for the States, it will be no problem for Cecilia to give me a quick lift over to the airport's departure gate. 

Cecilia's kindness and generosity exceeds just a quick ride to the airport, however. Every time we arrive at the Weller's house, an exquisite meal is prepared for us. Even when we went out to eat with Cecilia to a restaurant in Guatemala City, Cecilia's Dad Pepé sent us with money to pay for the meal. The maids of her house wash our clothes and make our bed, and there is always time for a blockbuster movie on their 50+ inch TV screen. When we depart, one of Pepé's workers will take us to whichever bus station we need to go.

Pepé himself is quite a character. This successful computer engineer and businessman is a motorcycle enthusiast, and he's always telling us about his newest bike purchase or interest. Mrs. Weller, owner of the local "Little Caesar's Pizza" places in Guatemala, enjoys playing hostess and making sure that we feel as comfortable as possible. On the first day I stayed at the Weller household, I was introduced to Ceci's "abuelos" (grandparents) like close family friend, and dined on an incredibly delicious chicken parmesan with them.

I have since moved all my belongings to the guest room (actually Ceci's brother's room), and I have already told Mrs. Weller I may just skip my flight back to the States to live forever in this urban household of paradise. She chuckles, smiles and says, "You are welcome here anytime!" I certainly feel that way.

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